Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Companions That Never Were

The Doctor has companions, we all know that. But he comes accross other people as well. Other people who could be such brilliant companions, but who never travel with him - usually due to being killed. So they are in one, maybe two episodes of the show, they affact the Doctor, they get along with him, but they never step inside the TARDIS.

So here are a few of my favourites, the companions that never were, but should have been.

Lynda Moss

Lynda Moss, also known as Lynda with a Y, met the Ninth Doctor when he was plucked from the TARDIS and inserted into a game of Big Brother during the episode Bad Wolf. She was the contestant that came over and made sure he was alright, she was kind and cheerful, and explained what was going on. When she confessed to being nervous about what the viewers thought about her back on earth, the Doctor called her sweet. And she really was.

What I loved about her was the cheerful innocence. The attitude of 'oh that sounds like fun, I'm in!" She looked like she would love the running. She was brave too. Standing there, all on her own in The Parting Of The Ways, listening to people dying around her, but still calling out the Dalek's movements. There's a moment, just after they've gone down and slaughtered the people who refused to fight, where she visibly gathers hersel and it's just so moving.

Sally Sparrow

Sally Sparrow - the woman who fought the Angels and survived to live her life. Appearing in Blink, I don't think she ever actually wanted to travel with the Doctor, though she would have been brilliant if she had. Maybe she did, or will one day.

I think the characteristic that defines Sally is curiosity. Right from the start of the episode, she's gone to the old, creepy house, purely out of curiosity. Then she sees a word and just has to rip the wallpaper away to see what the rest of it says. And off she goes. And that's what would have made her a fantastic companion. She'd be poking her nose into things, right alongside the Doctor.

Ross Jenkins

My favourite almost companion of all. Private Ross Jenkins is UNIT soldier, codenamed Greyhound 40, who appears in The Sontaran Strategem and The Poison Sky. Tasked with escorting the Doctor to the Rattigan Academy to investigate ATMOS, Ross carries it off with a wonderful sense of humour. He and the Doctor seem to connect in a way that the Doctor usually doesn't with soldiers (not including the Brigadier here - though I've only seen him in SJA). Ross also shows resourcefulness (finding a non ATMOS car to get them back to base) and bravery (reporting the fact that the UNIT bullets don't work, despite his squadmates having died around him). He places an implicit trust in the Doctor, despite having never met him before, and being a low ranked soldier.

I am probably quite biased regarding Ross Jenkins (and was delighted when he was rescued from BBC Wales by the Primeval fandom) , but I think the Doctor likes him quite a bit as well. My evidence is two quotes. "We like Ross" when scolding Rattigan for being mean, and "His name was Ross" where he scolded Colonel Mace for referring to him by his codename after he died.

My personal feeling is, depite being a soldier, Ross Jenkins would have loved travelling with the Doctor. I think he would have been open minded enough to do things the Doctor's way and he would have loved to run.


Rita, from the God Complex. What a strong character! Even when frightened, she interacted with the people around her with cheerful good humour. Clearly a very intelligent and logical woman. So much so, that within minutes, the Doctor had invited her to join the TARDIS crew.

I think Rita had one of the most powerful deaths I've seen on Doctor Who. So strong, hiding the fact that she had begun praising and separating herself from the others. And to insist that the Doctor not watch her die, that she wanted to retain her dignity. It broke my heart, because I so wanted her to survive and go on to travel with The Doctor.

So, those are my favourite not quite companions. Does anyone else have any to add?