Sunday 23 September 2012

SPOILERS - The Power of Three

Another good one from Chris Chibnall this week. The plot itself was a little light on, I must admit, but this was more a character piece than anything.

It was about how the Doctor relates to the real world, how he affects his companions and all the other people he comes into contact with. I was most touched by the character of Kate Stewart - Daughter of the Brigadier. I've never seen an episode with the Brig, apart from his turn on the Sarah Jane adventures, but I understand that he definitely viewed things from a military point of view. Yet, through meeting and working with the Doctor, he brought his daughter up saying that 'science leads'. Brilliant. This is the more traditional role for the character, rather than the angry, vengeful man that was in A Town Called Mercy, although I think both sides of him a perfectly valid.

While I'm discussing Kate, her gentle, dry sense of humour was fabulous."Yes, I've got officers trained in beheading, also, Ravens of Death."

Ravens of Death! Ha!

There was a lot of gentle reflections on Doctor Who's past in this. A reference to K9 and the conversation between the Doctor and Brian where the Doctor was forced to disclose the fates of previous companions. Of course, Brian is worried about Amy and Rory. But it is a much gentler worry than, say, Jackie Tyler. The forshadowing at the end was once again fairly obvious though. It's been happening all season, and I really think it could be subtler. We know Amy and Rory are leaving. We don't need a dramatic pause everytime it's referenced.

Another moment, that was very Doctor-ish and touching was his referring to humans as 'creatures of hope'. Even though the Human race can make him so angry sometimes, he still thinks we're amazing.

I didn't have any issues with the fate of the villains - as far as I can tell, not actual people were really killed. Even the alien was an 'automated interface'. But then, having a villain wasn't really the point.

I think all my other comments are random moments of amusement. The Doctor being disdainful of Twitter, the Doctor playing the Wii and being unable to keep still. Brian being the complete opposite and being happy to sit there, staring at the cube day after day. The Doctor's pathetic little 'run' before the explosion. I found Brian's sitting up like a startled rabbit on the trolley hilarious! A perfect bit of physical comedy by Mark Williams.

I think that's pretty much it. I suspect I may need tissues on hand next week...

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